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Sicilian Peeled Almonds
Sicilian Peeled Almonds
100% Made in Italy
The Sicilian peeled almond is rich in oils and excellent for desserts. The fruits of the almond tree are harvested when ripe, between August and September, through knocking down.After harvesting, the fruits are subjected to hulling, to obtain the almond with its shell and, subsequently, they are dried in the hot summer sun and then stored in a cool and dry place. Our ALMONDS are a natural product grown and processed according to traditional techniques that do not involve the use of chemicals either on the trees or on the fruit. From a nutritional point of view, almonds are used above all as a food source of proteins, unsaturated fats, minerals, vitamins and vegetable fibers. Almonds are used not only in pastry making, for the production of desserts, but are also the ideal snack for maintaining general physical well-being.
The Sicilian peeled almond is rich in oils and excellent for desserts. The fruits of the almond tree are harvested when ripe, between August and September, through knocking down.After harvesting, the fruits are subjected to hulling, to obtain the almond with its shell and, subsequently, they are dried in the hot summer sun and then stored in a cool and dry place. Our ALMONDS are a natural product grown and processed according to traditional techniques that do not involve the use of chemicals either on the trees or on the fruit. From a nutritional point of view, almonds are used above all as a food source of proteins, unsaturated fats, minerals, vitamins and vegetable fibers. Almonds are used not only in pastry making, for the production of desserts, but are also the ideal snack for maintaining general physical well-being.
Available formats
250g, 500g, 1Kg
Additional information
1 Kg, 250 g, 500 g
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The shelled almonds, unique for their quality and taste, are a beautiful brown color, with an elongated elliptical shape, good size and have a sweet and intense flavor when tasted.
Le mandorle sgusciate, uniche per la loro qualità e gusto, sono di un bel colore bruno, dalla forma ellittico allungata, di buone dimensioni e all’assaggio hanno sapore dolce e intenso.
Le mandorle sgusciate, uniche per la loro qualità e gusto, sono di un bel colore bruno, dalla forma ellittico allungata, di buone dimensioni e all’assaggio hanno sapore dolce e intenso.
La mandorla pelata siciliana ricca di oli e ottima per i dolci,I frutti del mandorlo si raccolgono a maturazione, tra agosto e settembre, attraverso l’abbacchiatura. Dopo la raccolta, i frutti sono sottoposti alla smallatura, per ottenere la mandorla con il suo guscio e, successivamente, vengono fatti asciugare al caldo sole dell’estate e quindi riposti in un luogo fresco e asciutto.
Le nostre MANDORLE sono un prodotto naturale coltivato e trasformato secondo tecniche tradizionali che non prevedono l’utilizzo di prodotti chimici né sugli alberi né sui frutti.
Dal punto di vista nutritivo le mandorle sono utilizzate soprattutto come fonte alimentare di proteine, grassi insaturi, minerali, vitamine e fibre vegetali.
Le mandorle vengono utilizzate non solo in pasticceria, per la produzione di dolci, ma sono anche lo spuntino ideale per il mantenimento del benessere fisico generale .
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