The intensity of the Nocellara is slightly toned down by the softness of the Biancolilla, giving the oil greater delicacy, making it a very balanced product.
From sweet to savory, pistachios have enriched many recipes, creating new delicious versions of the dishes we love most.From first courses to second courses, from pizzas to desserts, pistachios have now become a fundamental ingredient in our kitchens, especially for their ability to enhance certain preparations.
Russello or Rossello wheat is a variety of ancient durum wheat typical of the land of Sicily. It is a wheat with tall ears, which rises almost two meters from the ground, it is fragile, reddish in color, grown in arid lands of the hinterland of the provinces of Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Palermo, Ragusa and Trapani. From this wheat we obtain a flour used for many Sicilian products, from pasta to bread and, together with the perhaps more well-known Timilia wheat, it is one of the 50 or more types of ears that Sicily gives us. As with other varieties of ancient wheat, the finished product with this flour has aromas and flavors of times gone by. Stone milling determines a final product rich in fiber, therefore this flour is ideal for the preparation of homemade whole wheat bread.
From sweet to savory, pistachios have enriched many recipes, creating new delicious versions of the dishes we love most.From first courses to second courses, from pizzas to desserts, pistachios have now become a fundamental ingredient in our kitchens, especially for their ability to enhance certain preparations.
The Tumminia cultivar takes on different names;the wheat is grown in the areas between Caltanissetta, Agrigento, Enna, Palermo, Ragusa and the surrounding areas.
Tumminia wheat is traditionally sown in March, in fact it takes the name of Marzuddu.
Many years ago this cereal was almost always grown by our grandparents precisely because it adapted to any type of soil and climate unlike other types of wheat.
The finished product takes on a dark brown color and in fact the “black” bread of Castelvetrano is made from this flour.
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